Institute for Advanced Engineering and Research

3rd ICTON - 'Mediterranean Winter' 2009

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The University of Angers (France), the IAER (Germany) and the National Institute of Telecommunications with the IEEE/LEOS Chapter (Poland) are pleased to announce the 3rd ICTON - 'Mediterranean Winter' 2009 conference (in short ICTON-MW’09) which will be kindly hosted in Angers, December ??-??th, 2009.

ICTON-MW is the winter event to the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) intended to provide an international forum of discussion and promotion of research advances in transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunication networks, systems, and components in Mediterranean region. The scope of ICTON-MW contains all the topics of interest of ICTON and associated events as listed at ICTON-MW'09 is receiving technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society.

The best selected papers of the conference will be published in The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications (MJEC) and The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks (MJCN).

The conference is supported by:

                    Organizations, Universities, Labs, and Companies

    The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers     IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society     The University Ibn Tofail, Kenitra (Morocco)      The University Chouaib Doukkali, Eljadida (Morocco)      National Institute of Telecommunications in Warsaw      IEEE/LEOS Chapter in Poland     The University of Sousse, Tunisia      University of 7th of November at Carthage      The Communication Networks and Security (CN&S) research Laboratory, at the University of 7th of November at Carthage (School of Communication Engineering, Tunisia)      Institute for Advanced Engineering and Research, Germany      Laboratoire des Propriétés Optiques des Matériaux et Applications      Communications & Signal Processing Group, Electrical and Electronic Division(EED), School of Engineering, University of Warwick, UK.      Bosch in Germany      Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany      MB-technology Group      Moscow Aviation Institute (State University of Aerospace Technologies)      Laboratory Computer, Electronics and smart engineering systems design (CES)      The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications      The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks

ICTON-MW'09 is co-located with:

  • Workshop on Frontiers of Optical Networks (FON) (PDF)
  • Workshop on Resilience in Transparent Optical Networks (RTON) (PDF)
  • Workshop on Advanced Materials and Photonics Applications (AMPA) (PDF)
  • Workshop on Optical Components for Telecommunications Systems (OCTS) (PDF)